Journal 4/22

How was the recent holiday (if you celebrated a holiday)?

The most recent holiday our family celebrated was Easter. Usually we spend Easter dinner with our cousins, who live in Lincoln Park, but this time we ate separately. We didn’t get any decorations out, and we didn’t put as much effort into the food, but I shouldn’t be complaining because I’m pretty lucky. 

I don’t know anyone affected by the thing, yet. Plus Easter is a wack holiday already. Who even is the Easter Bunny and what does he have to do with the ascension of Christ? We all complacently accept his customs without even questioning why. It’s probably because the Christians couldn’t come up with anything good so the atheists came along and said: “Let’s wear pastel shirts and hide eggs for the children to play with.” Anyway, to answer the question, it was good.

How are you feeling about spring?

I have mixed feelings about spring, because I hate early spring and love late spring. Late spring is the equivalent of early fall, which is the best sub-season in my opinion. Early spring is horrendous because all the snow has turned into sludge and the temperatures (especially in Chicago) are the same as in December. During early spring, the world looks like how having the flu feels: shitty. But late spring is a different story. 

Late spring is fun because it’s finally warmer and there are all these pretty flowers blooming. And school is coming to an end so everyone feels that warm weather and thinks of the summer just around the corner. I feel like, since I haven’t been outside much and haven’t felt much of that warm weather (I do go outside sometimes), it still feels like February. Yet I’m at home, like summer break. Which feels weird. This year went by too quickly. We say that about every year, I know, but this year especially. Like I had my second semester taken away from me. I want it back, but at the same time I don’t, because junior year was hard. But, it wasn’t as hard as everyone warned it would be. I heard from everyone that “this was the most important year of my life.” And that “it is really crazy and super hard.” I mean... it was normal school. With college stuff. Not that bad. I guess people like to complain. Just like how I’m complaining about missing spring. Look at that, I brought it full circle. Thinking about it now, my second semester wasn’t taken away from me. It’s still here, still emailing me to turn in my myriad of late assignments. I think that is just part of being old: the days go by faster. I should be more optimistic. I’m feeling good about spring.


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