Recently, a black man was murdered by a white police officer. Nationwide anger and sadness spread like wildfire and there were protests on the streets. People called for murder charges to go out to these officers, and for no more innocent black men to be killed. Does this sound familiar? It feels weird to say that the death of Laquan McDonald happened six years ago, and weirder still to say I don’t remember half of the names of boys like Laquan who were wrongfully killed. There are too many to count, and the saddest part of all of this is that most people will eventually forget about George Floyd. It is a cruel cycle: a black man is killed, people riot, the officer is caught and reprimanded but not enough, and we move on. We yell and burn and attack, thinking this is the last one that will be killed, like police officers will say “Oh, he was the 150th? I guess I’ll stop being racist then.” We love to hope that the cycle will end, yet deep down nothing will ever be enough. The Great G...
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