Education When I was younger, I loved learning. I was always reading books and was asking questions constantly. Because of this, my parents thought I would become an amazing student, and that I would love school. But each day I would come home from 2nd grade angry, saying that I didn’t learn anything. I remember hating the month-long unit we had on cursive and the pages and pages of show-your-work problems when I already knew the answer. It felt wrong, and every day after that I dreaded–and still dread–waking up and going to school every morning, forced to answer their questions and to learn nothing. In Between the World and Me , by Ta-Nehisi Coates, education’s “façade of morality” is critiqued and called out, and he explores the unintended effects on children by the school system. Despite its core mission to teach and grow students, sometimes schools teach values that do not directly correlate with re...